Dating Someone With PTSD May Feel Impossible, But Here’s How I’m Learning To Heal
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Dating Someone With PTSD May Feel Impossible, But Here’s How I’m Learning To Heal


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Childhood Abuse and Relationship Violence. Separate from PTSD, a connection has been found between the experience of certain traumatic events and.

Having PTSD can be the result of a variety of things. But in my experience, having PTSD from abuse emotional or physical or seeing it growing up as a kid, just always stays with you. PTSD can affect relationships in many ways, because each person experiences it differently, but similarities are still found. This can be hard to express to your partner, due to the fear of them not being able to comprehend or understand where it is coming from. This is often one of the realities of dating when you live with PTSD.

PTSD can make it hard to express emotions sometimes. Due to the emotional mental block PTSD can cause, sometimes we are not able to talk about our feelings to our loved ones. Trauma is often the reason why expressing emotions is physically impossible sometimes. This can make arguments or times when you want to be physically intimate pretty difficult.

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Often physical touch can be triggering for a partner with PTSD. This can even make some people with PTSD believe they will never be able to have an actual relationship. Talk to your partner about what kind of touch is OK — holding hands, kissing, etc.