Great online dating profiles
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Great online dating profiles


In the previous section, we showed you how to select great photos for your profile. Now it’s time to write a kick-ass bio that describes how awesome you are! Here is some helpful advice and a few valuable tips: Although there’s nothing inherently wrong with these sentences, you should avoid using them if possible, since so many other people have them on their profile.

The good thing is, if you write a unique profile you’ll immediately set yourself apart from others on the site and gain an advantage.

The internet dating profile is a unique literary form: somewhere between an anonymous love letter and CV, it is designed to cast its romantic (cyber) net as wide as possible. But a good profile is.

But, when it comes to writing a dating profile after 60, we often find ourselves lost for words. We may not even be able to describe the kind of man that we are looking for. Well, for those of you who are struggling to find your words, I have good news and bad news. So, what is the first thing that older men look at? To help you to maximize your chances of finding someone special, I sat down with Lisa to discuss how to create a perfect dating profile, starting with the most important component — your picture.

All of the details are in the video, but, Lisa says that flattering, fun and light-hearted pictures work best. Instead of trying to describe your life in words, why not choose a picture that shows you smiling as you enjoy one of your favourite hobbies? Tell him what you are passionate about and demonstrate through examples, rather than describing yourself. If you want to maximize your dating success, starting with your online profile, this episode of the Sixty and Me Show is for you!

Are you currently using any dating sites? What have you found has worked best for you when it comes to your dating profile? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s Have a Conversation!