Dating Record Bench Planes
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Dating Record Bench Planes


November 12, 2019 | | 0 Comments

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WS Tools Birmingham. The finish on these planes is most variable, going from almost what I consider to be careless , to what is simply superb rare. The basic paint colour stayed almost the same throughout production a royal blue with a hint of red , but was surface treated differently as time progressed. The first planes appear to have had a good base colour coat applied and this has survived well. The care with which the paint was applied was variable, with mating surfaces of mouth, frog and body being either partially painted later examples or well delineated. Remember that the first No. Only early planes had a painted finish to the front edge see BM1 and BM2 below. I have many examples that show that the Frog must have been first painted and varnished, the hole for the Stirrup pivot rod bored, and after that the hand assembly was completed.