What’s Wrong With “Taking The Red Pill”
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What’s Wrong With “Taking The Red Pill”


In one case a good friend of mine is being divorce raped by his wife, a wife he has faithfully stood by for over 20 years. He is a great guy and the ladies find him handsome, so it pains me to see this happening to him. The five stages of becoming Red Pill aware The Stages Based on my observation of men and their behavior, I came up with 5 stages they roughly fit into one sunny afternoon while I was riding around the countryside on my motorcycle.

I think my friend is somewhere between 1 and 2 on this scale, and the other guy remains at 1. Very hard to do for most men.

There’s a lot of guys who claim to haven taken the red pill, but I suspect there is a sea of blue still swirling within their core. To find out if that’s you, watch the following three portions of the above video.

Share this article Share Experiments on mice by Professor Sinclair and his team showed that after just a week of being fed NMN dissolved in their drinking water, the cells of ageing mice were indistinguishable from those of young mice. Their muscles looked and behaved like those of a young mouse, too. Genetics professor David Sinclair They will be monitored closely by the U. The results certainly sound encouraging.

Before he started taking a mg NMN pill every morning, year-old Professor Sinclair had his blood tested and was told his body had a biological age of After consuming NMN for three months, he was tested again and his biological age was We each have our own image of what it might entail, and taking a pill with my Bran Flakes is certainly not what I had in mind. I mention Ursula Andress bathing in mystical cold flames that kept her forever young and gorgeous in the s film version of the H. Rider Haggard story She.

Professor Sinclair remembers it, too. Nothing like that is quite on the cards, he admits… at least not yet. And yet all is not lost for Ursula Andress wannabes. Stem cell replacement — the field that could rejuvenate skin and hair — is still in its infancy, but is looking hopeful, he says.