20 Celebrities Who Prefer to Not Date Other Famous People
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20 Celebrities Who Prefer to Not Date Other Famous People


And it could be stopping you from having a real relationship. Driven by the fantasy of books, television and movies, people have long held illusions of what romance is and should be. It results in a set of impossibly high standards the said famous person would likely fall short of too. They might feel more attainable as actual people rather than fictional characters.

If this is the life you are dreaming about, then it’s high time you hooked up with some celebrity, because dating a star is all about this.

The new site update is up! Should I date a semi-famous person on the other side of the country? He lives in Hollywood and is charting a path toward becoming a celebrity. I live on the East Coast, am a bookish introvert, and don’t particularly want to get my heart smashed to pieces. I also have ZERO interest in the entertainment industry. Yet we share other interests and have major sparks. I recently matched with a guy my age on a dating app. We’re both early 30s and have lots of things in common.

Oh, except that he lives in LA and just comes back to my East Coast town to visit family pretty often. I recognized him immediately as I’ve seen some of his onscreen work.