Men’s 6 Pet Peeves About Middle-Aged Women’s Online Dating Profiles
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Men’s 6 Pet Peeves About Middle-Aged Women’s Online Dating Profiles


The Nigerian dating scams target the lonely and vulnerable. The most common comment of victims who think they have found the love of their life is “I can’t believe I was so stupid! The Nigerian dating scams are hugely profitable. The Nigerians call them ‘maghas’ which is slang for gullible white people. The scammers spend their day trolling the dating sites and chat rooms for contact emails, and then send off thousands of fraudulent letters and emails awaiting the victim’s replies.

There isn’t one big secret to success when it comes to online ’s not your profile photo (though a good one helps). It’s not your career or film star good looks.

Since I’m far more familiar with men’s profiles, I recruited some of my single male friends and the Twittersphere to help me with this post. The following list is my best attempt at summarizing the results of my informal survey, with a few of my own observations based on a bit of research I conducted myself. Waaaay too Many Pet Photos. This was a huge complaint among the men I interviewed. They are looking at your profile to learn more about you, not your pets. So delete the pet photos, particularly the ones without you in them.

Oh and while we’re on the topic of pet photos, I have a personal request of all you single, middle-aged women out there on dating websites: This is so important. I can’t emphasize it enough.