Calculate the Date of Easter Sunday
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Calculate the Date of Easter Sunday


Dating techniques Photo by: Bastos Dating techniques are procedures used by scientists to determine the age of an object or a series of events. The two main types of dating methods are relative and absolute.

Many Christians are reluctant to accept the Bible’s clear teaching of a recent creation because they believe secular dating methods prove that the earth is extremely old.

March 28, This post is about elevation measurements for exposure-dating samples, and how accurate they need to be. Basically, the main thing that controls cosmogenic-nuclide production rates is site elevation, or, more precisely, atmospheric pressure — at higher elevation, there is less atmosphere between you and the extraterrestrial cosmic-ray flux, so the production rate is higher.

Thus, to compute the cosmogenic-nuclide production rate at a sample site, the first thing we need to know is the elevation. Once we know the elevation, we can convert it to a mean atmospheric pressure using a model for how the atmospheric pressure varies with elevation, and then compute the production rate. The second one — converting an elevation to a mean atmospheric pressure during the exposure duration of the sample — is actually a fairly complicated problem and is the subject of another post , as well as a fairly large number of papers.

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However, the first one — accurately measuring the elevation — ought to be pretty simple. In general, determining your elevation is a fairly well-established technology that people have been working on for centuries. So the rest of this post covers i exactly how precise we need elevation measurements to be, and ii various ways to accomplish or not accomplish that goal.

So how precise do we need elevation measurements to be?