BC Single CEO’s Connect Saturday’s Speed Dating & Networking
Дата публикации: 27.11.2021

BC Single CEO’s Connect Saturday’s Speed Dating & Networking


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Investor Speed Dating with Invesdor: Lasse Mäkelä, Co-founder and CEO “We´re looking for growth companies who are interested in raising.

Meeting someone for the first time is a thrilling experience. In many contexts, one tends to always ask themselves before, during and after the encounter the following: Do I look ok? Do they like me? What did the person think of me? Before you know it an impression is made. In order to help our guest achieve that goal, upon registration we ask them if they would like to receive, along with their matches, ONLY positive or ALL the anonymous feedback from their dates.

During the evening we offer the possibility, and encourage our guests, to write comments and give feedback at the end of each and every date at all Elite Speed Dating events. All comments and feedback are kept anonymous to permit and ensure authenticity, truthfulness and confidentiality. Therefore, every guest has the privilege, if they so choose, to know how they portrayed themselves and thus find out what people thought about them during that evening, within the next 24 hours of the event.

The information from the feedback that is given, from going on all those dates, is a good indication on how people would answer these two questions in regards of the way you came across.