Beaufort, your not-so-typical Military Town
Дата публикации: 27.11.2021

Beaufort, your not-so-typical Military Town


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Presbyterians have a rich history in Beaufort, dating back to the ‘s. Today, First Presbyterian Church of Beaufort is thriving with active members and.

The number of new COVID cases across the state appears to have dropped, only breaking 1, once in the seven-day period ending with Monday, Aug. And though the past few days have been encouraging — just new cases, 18 in Beaufort County, and an Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, there were and news cases reported, respectively.

But the positive percentages those days were still high at 20 and Those are close to the positive rates when the state was averaging between 1, and 1, new cases a day. State Epidemiologist Linda Bell said in a release. The South Carolina Emergency Management Division has released a regularly updated map showing the counties and municipalities that currently have mask requirements in place, which is available on the home page of scemd.

As of this week, nearly 40 percent of residents, or approximately 2,, South Carolinians, reside in jurisdictions that have local mask requirements in place. When comparing the jurisdictions that have mask requirements in place to those that do not, the jurisdictions with mask requirements have shown a