[GoD] Сборка сервера L2jEuropa Всё для создания своего сервера LineAge
Дата публикации: 02.11.2021

[GoD] Сборка сервера L2jEuropa Всё для создания своего сервера LineAge





Описание: Сборка сервера от L2jEuropa r.157 Разработчик: L2jEuropa Платформа: Java Хроники: Tauti Размер: 23,39 Мб Залито на: turbobit



Community Buffer Fix for Summons + code cleanup

New Geodata files (test them please), thanks thor

EffectTargetToMe patch, thanks Maleiva2013

- Knight Cubic Effect fix.

Removed bugged Geodata, we will remake it from scratch... you can contribute using our geo-editors in tools folder

Re-applying the hotfix for Guitar Melody, it was bugged again with Chain skill patch

CommunityBufferDAO patch, thanks thor

Some fixes by Rafael

Fixed Immortal Heavy Set - Attack-Type\Event, you can buy it from Mentor Guide and unlock to any normal blacksmith

Fixed Clan Advent Increase task to 10 minutes according to its description

Added blacksmoke's patch about core support of Campaign Quests, we can use it as base to fix missing quests and dialogs.. (Bat country is incomplete)

Delete old CampaignTask.java

Treekin Defender patch, thanks Rafael

- Removed commit 123/124 (waiting for full patch without parse error.)

- Missing GameServer import.

Multiple Patch for some features, thanks Maleiva2013

Google Translated dialog of Dimension Keeper

- Fix for wrong class into olympiad_noble table that block the hero assignement.

Fixed chances of many Unidentified items, thanks Rafael for info

Better balancing of some unidentified with 33% circa of chance

Hotfix for Knight Cubic & Siege Golems, thanks Maleiva2013 (remember to use latest revision before creating a patch)

Fix for skill Petrify (Iss Enchanter)

- Giant Essence fix during awakening.

- removed not used istauticlient function.

- Fix for Magic Critical Rate.

- Major fix for Magic Critical Rate.

Harmony correct stack with sonatas patch, thanks Maleiva2013

MoonLight Sentinel Awakening Patch, thanks Maleiva2013

- fix for duplicate assignement.

- Added Summon Defend Mode status.

- Defend Mode for summon minor fix.

- npc updated fix by Rafael. - quest 10292 html translate.

- Summon atkrange fix.

- Some skill radius fix.