How to Answer “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”
Дата публикации: 08.11.2021

How to Answer “How Would Your Friends Describe You?”


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However it can be a difficult question to grapple with – there are so many possible answers and pieces of information that you could provide. These sample interview answers and tips will put you on the right track to providing the response the interviewer is looking for. We provide some excellent basic guidelines on how to approach this question at interview questions and answers.

Here we take it further by providing you with good sample interview answers to use for different situations. The first rule of thumb for answering the Tell me about yourself question is to discuss what interests the interviewer. That means focusing on the experience and skills you have that will add value to the position. Relevancy is key to properly answering this interview question. Carefully consider the most important job requirements when you prepare your answer.

Keep it concise and targeted.