Scorpio Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility
Дата публикации: 07.10.2021

Scorpio Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility


What is your friend’s moon sign? Sun signs work for initial compatibility, but if and when they become more intimate the moon sign will tell more. She probably will never know when to take him seriously, she should really just give up trying and admit defeat.

From my experience with a male Scorpio who I was friends with for 3 years (which was absolutely wonderful), to making that decision to go ahead and have sex with him. Everything changed after that just kid I feared it would.

Intensely strong-willed and reluctant ever to give way, he always wants to maintain control. With a Scorpio man as a husband you have two choices. Either you actively fight your corner and risk an ongoing battle of wills. Alternatively you surrender to his authority and enjoy a quieter life, but risk losing his respect for being too weak.

Because he takes his commitments very seriously, it requires an awful lot to make him walk away and even when a marriage is finally over, he never really lets go at a deep level. If you divorce a Scorpio husband, be prepared for a tough battle when it comes to claiming your rightful assets. He has a black and white attitude to most things in life with no in-betweens, and at times can be rather fanatical.

Living with a Scorpio husband or partner can be rather like living with a smoldering volcano that might erupt soon, but exactly when who knows! Dealing with a Scorpio partner’s emotional intensity can be very hard going at times. But at the same time, the sheer depth of his feeling nature makes him capable of empathizing with your fears and problems like no other man can. His extraordinary intuition will quickly ferret out all your little secrets, leaving you stripped to the core.